Why Do We Fall?

3 min readDec 23, 2021


There comes a time in everyone’s life where we feel like time has run out. We feel so unaccomplished and we find ourselves sitting at the edge of time looking back on all the time we’ve wasted: time wasted with loved ones, time spent studying and not achieving our goals, and time spent just relaxing instead of actively doing something. Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Why would I waste my time-wasting time?” And if that is truly your mindset then good for you. However, even hardened veterans of past experiences such as myself sometimes question whether or not it was worth it to pursue certain goals or try new things throughout life because we never seem to accomplish what we set out to do no matter how hard we try.

This time of questioning, though it may seem like an error in thinking or logic is actually not abnormal. In fact, it is quite common for people to question the time they have spent on this Earth during a time when their life feels aimless and without purpose. You see time never stops moving and with time comes to change: time brings us closer to death and time brings an end to our ambitions! The past can’t be changed, the future isn’t promised, so you must seize every moment of your life right now before that time slips through your fingers. The solution? Start NOW! And that’s precisely what I did today after writing this article . . . wait there was an argument in here somewhere . . .. Oh yes, time is your worst enemy, time is the time! You must fight time at every corner until time surrenders to you! NOW IT IS YOU’RE TURN TO TAKE BACK CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE AND FIGHT THE MAIN ENEMY WITH ME . . .. Okay this was getting too epic my friend told me to stop.

I think that most of us are guilty of wasting time or not using time as productively as we could have throughout life. However, the question must be asked what defines success over time? We have all had different experiences in our lives so how can we say which ones were deemed successful? Success has no definite form it comes in many shapes and sizes whether it’s a small smile on someone’s face or a life-saving operation. Success is relative and can differ from person to person. In the end, we all have our own time-based definition of success.

So how do we achieve success? This is a question that has been asked throughout time and still remains a mystery to us. Many people would say that it takes hard work, dedication, and a lot of time; but what if time runs out before we can achieve our goals? Then what? Do we give up? The answer is NO! We should never give up on our dreams or stop trying to achieve them because they are what define us as individuals. Yes, it may be more difficult to accomplish something great when time is against us, but it’s not impossible.

In short, time is always moving forward and it’s up to us to make the most of it. We should never take time for granted because it is the one thing in life that we can’t get back. It’s important to use time wisely and productively so that we can achieve our goals and dreams before time runs out. Don’t let time be your enemy, instead, make time your ally by using it to your advantage! Thanks for reading! :)

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